Potential Theory Workshop: Intersections in Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Probability

The aim of this workshop is to strengthen the interactions between the harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, and probability communities in Mexico and abroad. The event will take place in Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT) in Guanajuato, Mexico from September 28th to October 6th, 2023, and consists of two main parts.
During the first part, from September 28th to September 30th, distinguished experts from the three fields will deliver a series of talks, sharing their expertise and insights. This segment aims to provide attendees with valuable perspectives and updates on the latest advancements in these areas.
The second part of the workshop, taking place from October 2nd onwards, will feature a plenary lecture and three distinct mini-courses tailored to graduate students and researchers. Each mini-course will concentrate on one of the three primary areas and will consist of three 90-minute lectures, complemented by three problem sessions lasting 60 minutes each. All activities will be conducted in English.
Participants are expected to complete assignments in at least two of the courses. However, attendance in all three courses is highly recommended. Additionally, the workshop will organize panels that cover topics such as academic applications, open problems, and research directions, offering a platform for fruitful discussions among the attendees.
For participants who require accommodation, CIMATEL, a conveniently located housing facility within walking distance from CIMAT, will be provided. This ensures that attendees have easy access to the workshop venue and can fully immerse themselves in the intellectual and collaborative atmosphere.
Plenary Speaker
Andrea Nahmod (University of Massachusett in Amherst, USA)
Krzysztof Bogdan (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Eduardo Teixeira (University of Central Florida, USA)
José Ramón Madrid (Virginia Tech, USA)
Karol Szczypkowski (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Mariana Smit Vega García (Western Washington University, USA)
Victor Hernández Santamaría (IMUNAM, Ciudad de México)
Magali Louise Marie Folch (IMUNAM, Ciudad de Mexico)
Saraí Hernández Torres (IMUNAM, Ciudad de Mexico)
José Luis Pérez Garmendia (CIMAT, Guanajuato)
Ricardo Saenz (Universidad de Colima, Colima)
María Soria-Carro (Rutgers University, USA)
Isidro Munive Lima (CUCEI, Guadalajara)
Juraj Földes (University of Virginia, USA)
Octavio Arizmendi (CIMAT, Guanajuato)
Jessica Lin (McGill University, Canada)
Rodrigo Bañuelos (Purdue, USA)
Irina Holmes (Texas A&M, USA)
Administrative and scientific coordinators
Héctor Andrés Chang-Lara (CIMAT - Guanajuato)
Juan Carlos Pardo Millán (CIMAT - Guanajuato)
Cristina Pereyra (UNM - Albuquerque)
Alberto Saldaña (UNAM - Ciudad de México)
For more information please contact to:
Lupita Hernández at maria.hernandez@cimat.mx